Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
The overall aim of IO5 is to assess, value, and make the results of the learning taking place under the training course and the practical experience made during the training event. The assessment tool will assess and validate the progress…
in Amsterdam, the Netherlands (14-18 March 2022) The ParENTrepreneurs consortium (Bantani Education, Consejería de Educación y Empleo, Inova Consultancy, Parents International, Consorzio MATERAHUB Industrie Culturali e Creative and Vaasa University of Applied Sciences) is inviting parents to participate at a…
The ParENTrepreneurs Handbook is aimed to help parents become more knowledgeable, creative and resourceful and best placed to conduct training with other parents. It provides comprehensive information on how parents can employ their skills to become trainers. The Handbook will:…
The February 2021 the HundrED community, a meeting point for education innovation, published a call for initiatives that strengthen the link between schools and families. One of the 12 initiatives that were chosen as the most innovative and scalable initiative…
Many different dimensions and worlds open up when we talk about entrepreneurship. This word is transformed in many ways. It depends on who says it, in what context and what intention you go to use. Each person has a different…
A parent has the ability to pass down essential skills and knowledge to children. Like sponges, children observe and absorb small details when it comes to decision-making, such as thinking through the advantages, disadvantages, as well as consequences and risks.…
Throughout the pandemic many schools have remained open. Teachers have provided essential provision for key workers, delivering food, toys and digital devices to children in need at home. All staff have rolled up their sleeves to come up with practical…
Families who working on entrepreneurship means a vision of improving as a team and giving value on a transversal education, beyond the academic field and related to all aspects of life and our promotion as people. Education in entrepreneurship in…
Although ParENTrepreneurs is still work in progress, the Competence Framework has been chosen by the European Education Policy Network on Teachers and School Leaders (EEPN) as a case study to inspire teacher entrepreneurship and competence development. Currently, EEPN is working…
The entrepreneurial mindset enables children to overcome daily challenges, be decisive and take on responsibilities for any of their behaviours and activities. Developing entrepreneurial skills in children helps your children confront difficulties confidently and create values in their lives. The…