Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124


Bantani Education

Belgium |

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Bantani Education is a non-profit based in Belgium, working collaboratively to drive entrepreneurial and creative learning. Bantani brings together extensive policy and practical experience working with public, community and private sector partners to embed entrepreneurial skills into any type of learning. We work to build collaborations and initiatives involving policy makers, educators, community and the private sector, to embed high quality entrepreneurial and creative learning practice and policy into formal and non-formal learning.

With our very good EU and national networks in Europe and beyond, we are and have recently worked with the European Commission, OECD, European Training Foundation, national and regional governments and EU and national networks linked to education, employment and economic development. Bantani is the Welsh for ‘Away We Go’.

Consejería de Educación y Empleo [CEYE]

Spain |

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The General Direction of Innovation and Educational Inclusion, depends on the Regional Ministry for Education and Employment, and has assigned the following regional competences:

  • Presence of key competencies and their curricular development in schools.
  • Training and application of the Information and Communication Technologies in the educational field.
  • Promotion of soft skills and pedagogical leadership in schools.
  • Promotion of educational inclusion, attention to diversity and coexistence in the educational community.
  • Increase of student motivation to reduce early school leaving
  • Coordinate projects with AMPAS (parents associations) for the development of competencies from families.    

The design and implementation of entrepreneurship education programs is one of the principal competences of the Regional Ministry for Education and Employment. Currently 5.000 students from Primary School to Vocational training are participating in entrepreneurship programs. More than 400 teachers are receiving specific training on how to enhance entrepreneurial skills among their students and learn new active methodologies (all PBL linked) to apply them to their daily teaching.

Extremadura Regional Council has been working on entrepreneurial education program in the last 5 years making the region in 2017 the European Region for Entrepreneurship. Coordinators of Comeet+ and other local initiatives focused on making parents aware of the need to have entrepreneurial skills and work on them to inspire their families and other members of the community.

Inova Consultancy

United Kingdom |

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Inova Consultancy is a female-owned SME which specialises in providing consultancy services and project work in the field of entrepreneurship, professional development in non-traditional fields and gender. Inova has been running since 2001 and has extensive experience in working on European Funded Projects in the field of enterprise and career support, both as a partner and contractor in LLP and Erasmus Plus projects. 

 We have specialist experience in running workshops, training courses and mentoring programmes aimed at people who are starting up or developing their business. We provide one to one coaching, workshops and Enterprise/Career/Mentoring Circles™ – Our Circles are a series of products developed by Inova which combine mentoring, coaching and action learning to support individuals to reflect on and develop either a new or existing business, change or progress in their career or consider their personal life goals. This methodology was recognised by Aberdeen University business academics as a successful programme for the development of entrepreneurial skills.

 Inova has previously been involved in numerous projects promoting entrepreneurship and employability to build confidence and realise our full potential (Entrecom, ELYME, Migrapreneurs, Youth2Work). Inova supports individuals who aspire to grow or set up their own business, aiming to improve the gender balance in the European business world. Inova furthermore has experience working with parents in the MOM project which developed a set of online courses and tools to help mothers build upon their soft skills and confidence to help the return to work after parenthood.

Parents International [IPA]

Netherlands |

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Stichting IPA (Parents International) is established with the mission of supporting parents around the world to become game-changers by helping their children to grow up happy and healthy 21st century citizens. By becoming the best parents of our children we can ensure the future of not only our children, but also the well-being of mankind. The UN Convention the Rights of the Child, the piece of legislation that establishes the rights and duties of parents for the best interest of their children, has been ratified globally, in all countries except the USA. European parents have 30 years of experience working for protecting the rights of their children by joining forces in a European organisation.

Global challenges, as well as local ones that may be faced knowing answers from other localities call for a wider cooperation among parents from all over the world. This is the reason why this foundation is calling working with experienced parents’ representatives (active and formal) and professionals, including teachers, social workers, researchers, psychologists, teacher trainers, economists, students, policy makers, youth workers, etc. who are interested in supporting parents, in a global parents’ alliance that works for the best interest and well-being of children all over the world especially by

  • supporting parents to become the best educators of their children;
  • increasing parental involvement in all forms of education, with special focus on formal education, for thinking and acting together for education suitable for 21st century children in the post-PISA period;
  • fighting illiteracy, promoting reading;
  • working towards equal opportunities for girls and women, education of girls and mothers;
  • supporting parents in becoming the main advocates of the rights of the child;
  • demanding that the right to mother tongue and mother culture, even for migrants is granted;
  • supporting to raise digital literacy levels and thus and living in the digital age;
  • providing for empowerment for active citizenship and participation;
  • fighting xenophobia, hate speech, exclusion, supporting inclusion for a peaceful future

Consorzio MATERAHUB Industrie Culturali e Creative

Italy |

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Materahub is a consortium that works at the international level to supports enterprises, startups and aspiring entrepreneurs, institutions and organizations through european projects. Materahub is partner of many international projects. For years Materahub has been an intermediary organization in the South of Italy of the European programme ERASMUS+ for young entrepreneurs, it is also the italian host of the Creative Business Cup, the most important international competition for the creative industries.

Vaasa University of Applied Sciences [VAMK]

Finland |

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Vaasa University of Applied Sciences (VAMK) from Finland offers higher education in technology, international business, health care and social services. VAMK’s focus areas are the energy sector and combining entrepreneurial spirit with internationalism, languages and culture. Currently, VAMK has 3,230 students enrolled and a full-time staff of 199 members. 

Design Center MUOVA, a unit of VAMK, is participating in the ParENTrepreneurs project. MUOVA is specialised in transfering design thinking and design methods to companies, public sector organisations and higher education in different fields.