Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124




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ParENTrepreneurs is an innovative project aiming at developing tools to support parents and other family members in their role as educators to foster the entrepreneurial spirit and skills of children. It will offer learning opportunities as well as the possibility for parents and other family…

Self Assessment


Dear Participant! Welcome to ParENTrepreneurs. This self-assessment test is designed to be filled out when you first meet the project, for you to assess what are your strenghts and where do you might need some more help. Complete the…

User Guide


How can I access the modules?  You need to register at the Social Learning Platform in order to access the modules. Click on Take this Course. How can I register at the Social Learning Platform?  You can use your e-mail…

Let them learn through play

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It is a child’s most obvious activity to play. The right to play is also listed as a basic child right and protected through the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. At the same time, research shows that…

From Entrepreneurship Education to Entrepreneurial Learning

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Developing and promoting entrepreneurship education has been one of the key policy objectives for the EU and Member states for many years. According to European definition, entrepreneurship education aims to facilitate developing attitudes, knowledge and skills that enable an individual…

Kick-off meeting in Matera (Italy)

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Materahub hosted the kick-off meeting of the project on 10-11 November 2019. The level of dedication by partners is clearly shown by the fact that everybody was ready to work on a Sunday as it was the only date when…