Bantani Education is a non-profit based in Belgium, working collaboratively to drive entrepreneurial and creative learning. By bringing together extensive policy and practical experience, we work with public, community and private sector partners to embed entrepreneurial skills into all type of learning. Our co-founders and network of associates, working from across Europe work to build collaborations and initiatives involving policy makers, educators, community and the private sector, to embed high quality entrepreneurial and creative learning practice and policy into formal and non-formal learning.
In todays’ world, entrepreneurial skills are now basic skills that every learner needs to create their own future. We are passionate about sharing the message on entrepreneurial learning – this is not about start-up but instead about building these as life skills into any and all types of education.
As parents are increasingly called upon to actively support their children with home schooling and distance learning, we believe that the ParENTrepreneurs course supports the development of exactly the right competences to successfully address the challenges of the current pandemic and beyond into the future. We are also very excited to be able to share entrepreneurial learning approaches more widely across family and adult learning contexts.
We have been working on the module called, “Spotting Opportunities to be Entrepreneurial”. In this module participants will develop their competence in spotting opportunities and valuing ideas. These competences are the engine room of innovation and problem-solving approaches. It is a way of looking at things as possibilities and this begins by recognising, understanding or, even inventing, what might be possible. What might be possible requires imagination. Imagination is the mother of learning, creativity and invention. Children are naturally/innately programmed to learn through imaginative play, rehearsal, empathy, exploration, and discovery.