Why we support parents in developing entrepreneurial skills

The ParENTrepreneurs project partnership is made up of six organisations from across Europe and draws upon a broad range of expertise and perspectives. Here we want to give you a brief overview of our partnership and together highlight some of the many reasons for seeking to promote parents’ entrepreneurial learning and attitudes.

Stichting IPA (Parents International) is established with the mission of supporting parents around the world to become game-changers by helping their children to grow up happy and healthy 21st century citizens. It is believed that responses to global and local challenges can be improved by drawing upon existing experiences through wider communication and cooperation among parents all over the world.

Parents International provides a forum whereby experienced parents’ representatives, professionals, who are interested in supporting parents, can contribute to a global parents’ alliance that works for the best interest and well-being of children all over the world.

The ParENTrepreneurs project is closely aligned with IPA’s objectives. The main goal of the initiative is to help parents become better entrepreneurship educators, so we had a high level of interest in it. Another focus of our work is to help parents in creating better life conditions for their children by realising better life conditions for themselves.

Especially now, with our whole world falling apart due to COVID-19-related policies, entrepreneurial mindset, creativity and resilience are among the must-haves for surviving and even thriving. Entrepreneurship must be understood as individual qualities as a mindset, and therefore we need to broaden public discourse beyond solely the narrow perspective of viewing it as being concerned with business creation.

Participating in the ParENTrepreneurs training will be an important element of the lifelong learning journeys of parents. It is crucial to educate our children to become lifelong learners, and parents’ participation at the ParENTrepreneurs training will also provide a role model for children watching, experiencing their parents learning.

The General Direction of Innovation and Educational Inclusion, depends on the Regional Ministry for Education and Employment, and has assigned the following regional competences:

presence of key competencies and their curricular development in schools;

training and application of the Information and Communication Technologies in the educational field;

promotion of soft skills and pedagogical leadership in schools, promotion of educational inclusion, attention to diversity and coexistence in the educational community;

increase of student motivation to reduce early school leaving and coordinate projects with AMPAS (parents associations) for the development of competencies from families.

The design and implementation of entrepreneurship education programs is one of the main policy priorities of the Regional Ministry for Education and Employment. Currently 5.000 students from Primary School to Vocational training are participating in entrepreneurship programs. More than 400 teachers are receiving specific training on how to enhance entrepreneurial skills among their students and learn new active methodologies, mainly problem-based learning to apply them to their daily teaching.

For all this we think that now it is also important to develop entrepreneurial competences in families thanks to our participation in the project “ParENTrepreneurs”. In this way we will ensure that the entire educational community can count on this type of training that we consider essential for the society of the future.

Bantani Education is a non-profit based in Belgium, working collaboratively to drive entrepreneurial and creative learning. By bringing together extensive policy and practical experience, we work with public, community and private sector partners to embed entrepreneurial skills into all type of learning. Our co-founders and network of associates, working from across Europe work to build collaborations and initiatives involving policy makers, educators, community and the private sector, to embed high quality entrepreneurial and creative learning practice and policy into formal and non-formal learning.

In todays’ world, entrepreneurial skills are now basic skills that every learner needs to create their own future. We are passionate about sharing the message on entrepreneurial learning – this is not about start-up but instead about building these as life skills into any and all types of education.

As parents are increasingly called upon to actively support their children with home schooling and distance learning, we believe that the ParENTrepreneurs course supports the development of exactly the right competences to successfully address the challenges of the current pandemic and beyond into the future. We are also very excited to be able to share entrepreneurial learning approaches more widely across family and adult learning contexts.

We have been working on the module called, “Spotting Opportunities to be Entrepreneurial”. In this module participants will develop their competence in spotting opportunities and valuing ideas. These competences are the engine room of innovation and problem-solving approaches. It is a way of looking at things as possibilities and this begins by recognising, understanding or, even inventing, what might be possible. What might be possible requires imagination. Imagination is the mother of learning, creativity and invention. Children are naturally/innately programmed to learn through imaginative play, rehearsal, empathy, exploration, and discovery.

Inova Consultancy is a female-owned SME which specialises in providing consultancy services and project work in the field of entrepreneurship, skills development, professional development in non-traditional fields, and gender.

Inova has specialist experience in running workshops, training courses and mentoring programmes aimed at people who are starting up or developing their business or wishing to develop their entrepreneurial skills. 

Inova has previously been involved in numerous projects promoting entrepreneurship to build confidence and realise full potential (Entrecom, ELYME, Migrapreneurs, Youth2Work). Inova also has much experience working with parents, such as in the MOM project which developed a set of online courses and tools to help mothers build upon their soft skills and confidence to help the return to work after parenthood.

As an organisation, Inova feels that the ParENTrepreneurs project is very important in today’s society, to help parents develop new skills and methods to aid their parenting and self-development. This project is even more essential during the 2020 pandemic, as parents must take on home-schooling and keep children occupied during lockdown and other government restrictions. The empowerment of parents and their skills is key to the maintenance of mental wellbeing and the self-efficacy of parents.

Vaasa University of Applied Sciences (VAMK) is situated in a region with the largest number of SMEs in Finland. Hence, it is no wonder that entrepreneurship is one of the main focuses of the university.

Entrepreneurship is not only about business administration, marketing and numbers which are learnt in higher education. It is also about the attitude, and attitudes are formed throughout our lives, starting from home.

In order to raise entrepreneurs of the future, attitudes and approaches of the children needs to be addressed throughout their lives form the early stage. Hard entrepreneurial skills are far easier to teach when these fundaments have been created. Besides entrepreneurial activity, entrepreneurship skills are also needed as everyday work life skills and life skills which the university aims to address as well. These are among the core reasons why Vaasa University of Applied Sciences finds the project essential in order to educate workers and entrepreneurs for the future society.

Materahub is a consortium of SMEs based in Matera (Italy), European Capital Of Culture in 2019, which combines the experience and expertise of its staff and members, including a VET body, a consulting firm with experience on EU project management and quality, assurance, an International Certification body, a social cooperative managing cultural heritage and creative activities in the UNESCO site of Matera, a community of cultural and creative organizations.

Materahub’s contribution to the  ParENTreprenurs project draws  upon  its expertise and successful background within Erasmus + projects. More particularly Materahub has extensive experience in developing non formal training actions for entrepreneurship education within communities of various actors focussed on parents. 

Materahub is leading the coordination and development of the ParEntreprenurs training package for parents which contributes to the implementation and application of EntreComp, (the European “entrepreneurship competences” framework), on which the ParENtrepreneurs framework is based.


© 2020 parENTrepreneurs project

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